In Prison
In prison, we use our program "Preparing for Success on the Outside". It's a four-month program before they are released.
Marian and I have taught a class for over 50 women at Dawson State Jail and it’s thrilling to see how God is affected the inmates. John is now teaching it at Tarrant County Jail. Our lesson on
stealing really gets them thinking. We show that not only are they creating and hurting a victim but they also steal from themselves — their future, their earning power, time from their family, their
conscience, etc. About a third of the class was in tears as the Holy Spirit brought conviction and revelation.
Over the four months of the course, we can literally see the faces of people change and light up. Later in the course, we move onto practical issues like budgeting, job search, interview skills, and
writing a résumé. The program culminates in every person setting personal goals in five main areas of their life. This way they have a written plan for their future.
We work alongside other groups to establish Bible study, mentoring programs and special worship services.